Friday 06-17-2016

There is a new actor playing the role of Nikolas now; looks nothing like him, but does a pretty good with the gestures and attitude of the Nikolas we know and love.  This morning, we find Ava and Nikolas getting a tour of “Lynch Manor” – apparently the man tricked them, arranging to be her ride to the airport, and took them there instead.  He introduces himself as Mr. Huxley and invites them to sit down and enjoy themselves; tells them they are “locked in”.  Ava tries to make a call; he tells her there is no phone signal where they are.  Sam and Jason arrive at the hotel where they believe this forger is staying; “Mr. Carr” has checked out.  

As Laura and Kevin talk, Spencer chimes in with “can one person every really know another?”  He sneaks off and secretly makes a call to his father; tells him he’s got his back – he should win an Oscar.  Kevin calls Laura to tell her that he found ‘Lloyd and Lucy Johnson’.  Curtis comes to meet with Nina about a possible photo shoot for the ‘real men’ issue; Julian comes in and interrupts.  Nina asked why he lied to the cops about the night Carlos died.  She recalls that night and the stain on his shirt, then reminds him that he owes her for her silence.  She tells him to get naked and get down on all fours (she wants to do an article on ‘objectifying men’).  Julian agrees to Nina’s terms, and says she’s made her point.  

Maxie finally tells Nathan that she is sorry; she has realized that one mistake does not define him, and she still wants to marry him.  Sonny tells Paul that Anna needs to be present when they take down Julian; Paul invites her to join the interrogation of Julian.  She questions his ‘angle’, asking what his alterior motive is.  He tells her they “have the killer in the crosshairs – Duke will get justice.”  Sonny goes to visit Alexis; she tells him that she kicked Julian out.  He tells her to tell him to come home; he wants to watch the arrest.  Julian calls Alexis; tells her he is coming home and expects a “warm welcome.’  Cristina comes home and asks what’s going on – Alexis rushes her out the door to work.  Paul shows up; tells Sonny they found evidence (traces of blood on the knife) and DNA results.  

Sam finds a note of Nikolas’ scheduled flight to Ammsterdam, which she finds out he missed.  Ava tells Nikolas that they should jump Huxley; Nikolas says no.  Huxley tells them he can’t allow them to leave…he says they have only just begun.  Nikolas offers to stay if he lets Ava go; Huxley says, it’s Ava he wants.  Sonny tells Alexis she got out just in time; but then, Nathan arrests Alexis for Carlos’ murder.  Her prints are on the dagger.

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