Monday 05-23-2016

Final rehearsals are being held for the Nurse’s Ball; Brad and Lucas second-guess their decision to have their wedding in the midst of it.  Nikolas admires the diamonds in his possession, stumbles and drops them all over the floor – Elizabeth comes in to see him.  Alexis sits, thoughtfully; Julian brings her a diamond necklace (she assumes it is an attempt to buy her silence).  Julian tells Alexis he doesn’t want her questioning his every move from now on; she assures him that she still loves him… she just needs some time to absorb some things.  

As Sonny warns Michael to get Sabrina and get her out of there and not get involved in anything else, Sabrina begs Marcos to spare her life.  He tells her he never should have let Carlos talk him into keeping her for him.  He mentions being concerned that Sonny Corinthos is looking for her… she tells him to give her to Sonny.  She says she can smooth things over with him.  Marcos carries on about how Sonny is tied to everything and he needs to cover his tracks – Michael comes in just in time to tackle him.  Sonny gets the gun; he wonders what to do with Marcos.  Elizabeth figures out where the diamonds came from and tells Nikolas he should turn them in to put Hayden away for good; he tells Elizabeth that he had to sell one already, because ‘times are tough.’  He tells her to just forget about the diamonds.  

Olbrecht pisses Finn off when she tells him she’s looking into his record to make sure there isn’t a trail of corpses at his former place of employment; he tells her she is violating his privacy but she couldn’t care less.  Hayden shows up and asks to talk to Dr. Finn.  Sonny sends Michael and Sabrina back to the plane – he sits down and asks Marcos what he knows about Julian Jerome.  Julian gets a call from Lucas… he wants him to meet him at the hospital, something to tell.  Alexis watches him go, then gets out the shirt she had hidden away.  She makes a call, asking someone to come over immediately; it’s Diane.  Alexis tells her she needs her to be her attorney.  Curtis walks up on Valerie; still might be something going on there.  Brad talks with Bobbie about the plans, and Felix overhears.  Hayden follows Finn, insisting he take a check for $10,000; payment toward her father’s debt – to make amends on his behalf – he tells her that won’t begin to bring back the people who died because of her father’s greed.  It is revealed that Finn lost someone, because the medical foundation he worked for went bankrupt, because of Hayden’s father.  

Hayden finds out that Nikolas sold one of her diamonds; she jumps on him, they wrestle and fall to the floor, face to face.  They almost kiss; then he stands up and tells her she will be playing the part of the doting wife tomorrow night at the Ball.  Marco insists to Sonny that he is only involved by accident; he knows nothing about Julian.  Sonny considers shooting him, but has him arrested instead.  Now on the plane, Sabrina thanks Michael and asks why he came after her…after she lied to him and left with Carlos.  She admits she had been in contact with Carlos before they split up and explains how Carlos talked her into going, also admitting that she knew almost immediately she’d made a mistake.  But she couldn’t call Michael because of Carlos and Sonny; she admits she was actually relieved that Carlos is dead.  Michael explains how he found her and she is understandably grateful.  Finn snaps at Elizabeth when she tries to talk to him; he’s crying.  Lucas asks Julian to be his best man; Julian refuses because he’s afraid it will mess things up for him.  

Alexis tells Diane that she is worried about protecting herself.  She says she’s afraid, she can’t even look at him, she can’t even breathe.  Diane assures her everything will be okay.  Julian walks in on their conversation…she quickly tells Julian she is stealing Alexis away to get their nails done for the Nurse’s Ball.  Finn comes by and apologizes to Elizabeth for the way he acted earlier.  He steps into his office and looks at the check Hayden gave him.  Alexis tells Diane they have to go to the nail salon now, or Julian will know – she doesn’t want him arrested before Lucas’ wedding.

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