Tuesday 04-05-2016

Nikolas tells Elizabeth he is going home to Hayden and that’s all she needs to know; he packs his bags.  Griffin plays with Emma (cute).  Anna gets a visit from Sonny; she reminisces about Duke.  Dante asks Michael if he knows what Sonny’s plans are for Carlos Rivera; Michael denies any knowledge.  Tracy wakes up from her most recent seizure; her boys come in, not yet knowing what happened.  Dr. Finn tells Dillon and Ned that the larval cyst has caused fluid swelling in the brain; she may need surgery. Hayden tells Curtis she doesn’t have a death wish and is not giving up what’s hers – Nikolas owes her for trying to take her life.  She explains she grew up a certain way; she had things, and she can’t be left without a cent.  Curtis tells her the need for money is like an addiction (well said).  Elizabeth gets called to the hospital.  Griffin gets called to the hospital too, and Sonny gives Anna a flash drive (probably from the bug in his office).  Sam comes to visit Nikolas and tells him that Hayden was working with Tracy against him.  Hayden denies being addicted to money; she tells Curtis that the money isn’t for her – she wants to pay back her father’s investors.  He doesn’t buy it.  Nikolas thanks Sam for her work and tells her he is going home to his wife ‘to work things out’ – Sam is stunned.  Anna manages to get her hands on Paul’s phone and switch the SD card back… he is none the wiser.  Nikolas walks in the door and says, “honey, I’m home” – he asks what the plan is.  She has a surprise for him… Curtis is going to be staying with them for a while, to make sure they see things eye-to-eye.  Sam and Jason figure out that Hayden was coming to the garage to tell him who he really was, and Nikolas had her shot before she could.  Ta-da-da-da!

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