Tuesday 03-08-2016

Paul tells Ana his admiration for her grows more daily – she replies that she still can’t trust him as far as she can throw him.  He argues that they have built something… they are partners; she reminds him that her only aim is finding Carlos and bringing him back to testify against Julian.  He says there might be another way.  Nicolas tells Sam he wants to drop the investigation, just when she thinks she has a lead; Hayden sees Baxter Corbin talking to Sam and gets upset (heads straight to another bar for a drink).  She runs into her ‘friend’ Curtis, who questions what she’s running away from.  Lulu and Dante start to make out; they lay down on the bed and she immediately freaks out again (just can’t do it there).  They talk.  They decide they want to do whatever it takes to fix things; Dante says they can sell the loft and buy a house, burn the bed… anything.  They decide to get counseling.  She leaves.

Jordan talks to Andre about Paul; she’s upset about the way he handled things, putting other people’s lives in danger.  Curtis comes to confront Jordan (not sure exactly about what); tells her to keep her mouth shut and so will he.  Hmmm.  Ana figures out that Paul helped Carlos and Sabrina get away; says he better start being honest with her if they are going to work together.  Hayden overhears Nicolas and Elizabeth talk about him investigating her and confronts them; he admits to her that he was, but told Sam to drop it.  She isn’t mad.  Elizabeth tells Sam that she needs to keep investigating, for Nicolas’ own good, and Spencer’s sake.

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