Friday 02-26-2016

Oh Lord… this episode opens with Olbrecht (Chief of Staff) singing in German to her son Nathan, who she calls James.  Morgan is teetering on the edge of the building; Dr. Monroe hesitates to tell Ava anything.  Kiki appears on the roof, and calls out to Morgan.  He sees blood on her hospital gown, she starts to cry out in pain… then stops; she’s holding the bullet in her hand and asks him “did you do this to me?”  Dr. Monroe tells Ava that Kiki is fine, she’s in recovery; she may have some limited mobility.  Morgan now has blood on his shirt; Kiki tells him he’s sick – Morgan says no one can help him… she says she can, the only way to fix it is to end it.  She gets up on the ledge with him and takes his hand.  (This is all in his head, of course.)

Jordan tells Paul that she got a judge to sign a warrant for Ava’s arrest; tells Paul that she knows he knows more than he’s telling and Ava is going to spill when threatened with jail time.  Paul tells her this is bigger than she knows; she can’t arrest Ava.  She says “watch me”.  I like the attitude.  Nina arrives at the hospital to see Franco hugging Ava.  Carly and Sonny are kind of fighting; she knows it’s not really his fault, but she realizes that the business he’s in is why Kiki’s blood is on her hands.  Imaginary Kiki tells Morgan he doesn’t have to be afraid – with one step, he can end all of their suffering and be at peace, with her.  He takes a step… just as Michael walks out the door and sees him.  Nina gives Ava Kiki’s jewelry which she had for some reason; Paul comes in to offer his apologies to Ava and she says she’s gonna kill him.  Carly has flashbacks while washing off Kiki’s blood from her hands; scrubs them frantically.  Imaginary Kiki tells Morgan to tell Michael to go “he’ll ruin our plan”.  Michael tells Morgan Kiki is still in surgery – imaginary Kiki disappears.  Morgan tells him to go away… he doesn’t want an audience.  Michael refuses to leave; Dr. Maddox comes out and asks Morgan what’s going on.  He tells him he is going to kill himself.  Says he went off the pills because he wanted to prove that he could be a man… but he fell down a hole; he’s rambling.  Andre assures him that he hears him; he asks if he can think of a time before he was in that hole (a time when he was happy).  Yes, Morgan says… the holidays.  Sonny walks out onto the roof; he tells Morgan he can get out of that hole. 

Maxie surprises Nathan by proposing to him now – but he tells her no.  Ok.  The writers never want anything to be easy.  I guess Carly scrubbed her hands raw; Dr. Monroe is bandaging them (for some reason he has his shirt off…think I missed something).  She accuses him of violating his Hippocratic oath by keeping Sonny’s secret.  Jordan tells Ana she is going to arrest Paul; Ana tells her if she does, she is going to have to arrest her too.  Sonny is trying his best to talk Morgan down; he can relate.  He might be reaching him.  Oh… maybe not.  He gets up on the ledge and tells Morgan if he’s going to jump, they are jumping together.  Nathan assures Maxie that he will still be there with her, the day she decides she really wants to get married; she’s worth getting it right he says.  How sweet.  Ana talks Jordan into waiting just a few weeks, asking as a friend… to give her time to find Carlos – then she can arrest them all.  Dr. Monroe tells her he was just keeping his client’s confidence; Carly apologizes.  Sonny gets through to Morgan – tells him he’ll die anyway, of a broken heart if he loses him so either they jump together, or go back inside and spend time with their family.  Morgan gets down.  Paul gives Jordan Ava’s immunity papers; she’s been working for the justice department the whole time… she can’t be touched.  Kiki is still on a breathing machine; Ava sings to her (much better than Olbrecht) “All Through the Night”.

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